prayerHere to Help (prayerfully) with your Concerns:

Are there times when you have something you want to pray about but find it is just too much and you would like others to support you by praying for that concern?  Within the Benefice there is a small group of people who have a heart for prayer and who have agreed to provide “Prayer Support” by praying for the needs and concerns that might be brought to their attention.
Making a request for supporting prayer is easy - just send an email or for those who would rather not use email please contact Jeff Brewer by telephone – 07970881779.
You can give as much or as little information as you wish but enough so your concern can be understood.  Be assured, we will respect your confidentiality and not discuss your concerns with anyone else.  This is because sometimes the issues we are asked to pray about can be very sensitive. The prayer request will be shared with those who are part of the Prayer Support Group for them to include in their prayer time over the coming days.  In some instances, Data Protection Rules may preclude sharing the full name of the person being prayed for.