823731Major development plans at St Andrew's Compton Dundon

The Parochial Church Council at St Andrews have been working on two major development projects at the church, which will see significant improvements to this much loved building at the heart of the village.

Whilst St Andrews has a fine peal of five bells, some of which are over 300 years old, it has not been possible to ring 'full circle' (ie bell-logo-02[2922]swung with ropes pulled by bellringers) since about 1930, for safety reasons.  The project to see the current bells, plus a new sixth bell, professionally re-hung and a new ringing gallery constructed is now nearing completion.  Listen out for the belss once again ringing out over the village to call people to worship at our beautiful church. 

Alongside the bell project, plans are being progressed for some sensitive internal re-ordering of our church, to make the building more easily usable, both for our Sunday worship and for the many people who visit us as tourists and pligrims during the week. 

More details of the progress of these projects will be be provided here as things develop
If you want to know more, please contact us.