tim-mossholder-8FBTtjCZ9oM-unsChildren and young people on Sundays

Children and young people are a part of our church family and, as with any member of the family, are more than welcome at any of our services.

However, there are particular services you might want to look out for including:

SofaSunday@themission, on the first Sunday of each month at the Mission Church.  A fast paced interactive service with plenty to involve all ages, including craft, space to move around and, of course, sofas!

All age worship at Walton on the second Sunday of each montb and Celebration@themission at the Mission Church on the third Sunday of each month.  Shorter services specifically designed to involve all ages.

Children's groups during the service on the second and fourth Sundays at the Mission Church

In addition, look out for other special services and events for children and young people in our calendar and What's On.

We look forward to welcoming you.