bogomil-mihaylov-ekHSHvgr27k-uAnnual Parish Church Meetings 2025

During April we will be holding our Annual Parish Church Meetings (APCM’s) in each of our churches. These are open to all on the electoral roll of the parish. We come together to hear reports on all that has been going on in the church over the last year, to elect our church wardens and members of the PCC, to pray together and to look forward to the year to come.

This is much more than a business meeting, although it is also one of those; it's an opportunity for the church family to celebrate together, thanking God and each other for all that has been done and praying together for what God will do in the coming year.
Your presence at an APCM would also be a real encouragement to others, and so please try and make this a priority in your diaries.

Please also be prayerfully considering whether you, or someone you know, could stand for election as a church warden or a member of the PCC? Nomination forms for PCC and churchwarden

The meetings are as follows, each at 7pm:
Walton, in Holy Trinity, Monday 7 April
Compton Dundon, in St Andrews,’ Tuesday 8 April
Street, in the Parish Church, Thursday 10 April

As part of our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint we are not, as a matter of course, printing copies of the reports, agendas and accounts that will be presented at the meeting and available beforehand. These can be downloaded below, or, if you prefer, contact the church office and they will print you a copy.  PCC members also have electronic copies

Walton, Reports and agenda and Trustees Annual Report and Accounts

Street.  Reports and agenda and Trustees Annual Report and Accounts

Compton Dundon,  Reports and agenda and Trustees Annual Report and Accounts