
As a grateful response to all that God has given to us, we are, in turn, encouraged to give.  Our churches depend on financial gifts from church family members, as well as all our time and talents, for their mission and ministry. 

This page has more details of how to give financially.

We encourage the church family to develop, and regularly review, a pattern of giving to our churches through a standing order or direct debit.  If you are able to gift aid your giving, we can also reclaim 25% extra tax at no cost to you. Alternatively you can donate either through the collection plates or contactless giving machines available at our services.

You can find more details of the various ways you can give at a dedicated page for each church.  Click on the links below for 'your' church'.

Street Mission Church

Street Parish Church

St Andrews Compton Dundon

Holy Trinity Walton

Please contact us for more details of other ways to give or if yiuy have any questions.
