Last Week's LifeLine

Week commencing 16th February
1 Corinthians 15.12-20 & Luke 6.17-26
Prayer for the week
Eternal God, whose Son went among the crowds and brought
healing with his touch: help us to show his love, in your Church
as we gather together, and by our lives as they are transformed
into the image of Christ our Lord. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday Psalm 44, Ecclesiastes 1 & John 17.1-5
Tuesday Psalm 48, Ecclesiastes 2 & John 17.6-19
Wednesday Psalm 119.57-80, Ecclesiastes 3.1-15 & John 17.20-end
Thursday Psalm 57, Ecclesiastes 3.16-end of 4 & John 18.1-11
Friday Psalm 51, Ecclesiastes 5 & John 18.12-27
Saturday Psalm 68, Ecclesiastes 6 & John 18.28-end
For your prayers
For all those in our churches who are unwell, recovering from surgery or undergoing treatment, including John Potbury, Bob Lampert, Jane Doyle, Yvonne Guerin & Liz Selway. For those who are grieving for a loved one they have lost including the family and friends of Michael Browning and David Hayles.
Celebrate @6
Join us  in the Mission Church on Sunday 16 February at 6pm. An evening of worship, teaching and ministry open to all.
This month Sue Ripley will be speaking—How did I get here? A Life’s Story.  Please come along to the Mission Church on  20th February, 2.30-4, for what sounds like an interesting talk and enjoy some coffee, cake and chat too.
Men’s Breakfast February
All men from Street, Walton and Compton Dundon are invited to a  Saturday morning cooked breakfast at the Mission church on Feb 22nd 8.45am -10am.  Come and join us for food and a sociable time. For  further information please contact Tim Hindle or Edd Reeve (Street). Do let us know if you intend to come so the caterers can prepare. A charge of £3 per person is suggested to cover the breakfast costs
Women of God Conference—22nd Feb, The Gateway Yeovil
Embracing the belief that every woman is uniquely purposed by God, this collective gathering is a divine opportunity to worship, learn, and be profoundly inspired. More information from
Church Electoral Roll rewrite
This year the Electoral Rolls in each of our parishes need to be      completely re-written.  This means that if you wish to go onto the roll, you will need to complete a form and return it to the Electoral Roll    officers (Angela Reeve—Street, Sonia Beaty-Walton and Peter      Robertson—Compton Dundon).  There are plenty of forms at the back of each church.  If you do not complete a form you will not be on the list.
Why join the Electoral Roll? Joining the electoral roll is an important way of confirming your commitment to your church community and to the vision of the church. It also opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church of England, at Deanery, Diocesan and national levels. By joining, you become entitled to participate in the government of the church and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
The Global Church gathering together like never before.
Do you have internet access?  You are invited to be part of what will potentially be the biggest gathering of Christians in history so far! We will meet virtually on March 1st (Saturday) from 01.00 hours UK time through to 02.00 hours on 2nd March (Sunday) - for as long or short a time as you wish! Christians from different locations around the world - 178 countries so far - will take part - including areas where believers face severe persecution for their faith.
We will gather for a time of prayer, repentance, worship, discovery and recommissioning. 
All subscribe to the Nicene creed as their basis of belief. 
The UK leader will be well-known Christian singer Matt Redman.
Gather25 promises to be a unique, exciting and inspiring event - but it won’t be complete without you! 
Read more and sign up at
Please encourage other Christians you know join in - it’s absolutely free!
Bernard Sinclair (Mission Church)
Walton Quiz night
Come along to join us for our quiz evening on Friday 28th              February.  Come as a team or come alone. We will be making teams on the night. Starting at 7.00, it will be £5 per head. There will be tea and coffee  plus nibbles and cake. You are very welcome to bring  other refreshments if you like. We look forward to seeing you.  
Dates for your diary
Connections, Street Mission Church, 20th February
Men’s breakfast, Street Mission Church, 22nd February
Women of God conference, The Gateway Yeovil, 22nd February
Quiz night, 28th February, Holy Trinity Walton
What’s on this week
Sunday 16th February
9.15am     Celebration@Walton, Holy Trinity Walton
10am        Morning Worship, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am   Celebration@theMission, Street Mission Church
11am        Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
6pm Celebrate@6, Street Mission Church
8.45am Prayer meeting, Street Mission Church
7.15pm Housegroup, Street Mission Church
10am Midweek Communion, Street Mission Church
7.30pm Handbell practice, Street Mission Church
7.30pm Housegroup, Street Mission Church
9.30am Prayer meeting, Linden Lea, Compton Dundon
10.30am Coffee morning, Holy Trinity Walton
10.30am Housegroup, Street Mission Church
2.30pm Connections, Street Mission Church
8.45-10am Men’s Breakfast, Street Mission Church
11-1 Warm Space, Street Mission Church
Sunday 23rd Feb
8.30am Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
9.15am Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Walton
10am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am DigDeep@theMission, Street Mission Church