This Week's Lifeline

Week commencing 19th January 2025
1 Corinthians 12.1-11 & John 2.1-11
Prayer for the week
Eternal Lord, our beginning and our end: bring us with the
whole creation to your glory, hidden through past ages and
made known in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday Psalm 146, Amos 6 & 1 Corinthians 1.6.1-11
Tuesday Psalm 132, Amos 7 & 1 Corinthians 1.6.12-end
Wednesday Psalm 81, Amos 8  & 1 Corinthians 7.1-24
Thursday Psalm 76, Amos 9 & 1 Corinthians 7.25-end
Friday Psalm 27, Hosea 1.1-2.1 & 1 Corinthians 8
Saturday Psalm 66, Ezekiel 3.22-end & Philippians 3.1-14
For your prayers
For all those in our churches who are unwell, recovering from surgery or undergoing treatment, including Bob Lampert, Jane Doyle, Yvonne Guerin & Liz Selway. For those who are grieving for a loved one they have lost including the families and friends of Bill Ingham & Christine Marshfield.
Praise and Prayer@theMission
Join us at 4pm today (19th January) for a time of Praise and Prayer for all in our benefice. 
SWCD Churches Book Group
Our book group next meets on Tuesday 21st January at 11am in the Mission Church. The book they will be discussing is 'The Windsor Knot' by S J Bennett. All welcome to join and for further information, please speak to Sue Ripley (Parish Church).
A huge thank you to all those who performed in the panto last Sunday evening, and to those who helped with refreshments. It was well       attended and there was laughter all around as well as an important Christian message of remembering the true meaning of Christmas.  £205 was raised for our link parish in Mfuwe.
Car Parking at Mission Church 
Please do not park on the roadway alongside the church or      beyond. Access is required at all times to and from the dwellings beyond the church.
Message from Sister Rachel
Dear All, during Ana’s absence, I will be writing Lifeline so please do send any inserts to Sonia or myself. While Ana is away, I am available to support you. Please do email or call me and leave a  message and I will return your call. Alternatively, I will be at: Compton Dundon Tuesday 10-12 (in the village); the Mission Church on Wednesday till 1pm (in the office or Room 3). Walton Church on Thursday 10:15 till 11:30 (at coffee morning). My day off will be Friday. Please do contact the wardens for urgent matters. or 07395334258

Deanery Prayer Diary
This is available on the website and there are also a couple of copies in each church.  If the hard copies have been taken and you would like a copy, please contact Sonia in the office,, 01458 442671.
What do you think?
We are shortly to begin training to launch, initially at Walton, a healing ministry. Jesus was constantly addressing people’s needs and making them whole. We seek to follow in his footsteps and offer this ministry for our community. We will use a Diocesan approved training package to begin to equip ourselves. If you feel that this is right for you and where God is leading you, please don’t hesitate to contact me as we start early in January. Perhaps you might just want to share your thoughts or interest. If nothing else, please include this venture in your prayers, that the Holy Spirit will touch those who offer themselves for this work. David Hatrey
What’s on this week
Sunday 19th January
9.15am     Celebration@Walton, Holy Trinity Walton
10am        Morning Worship, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am   Celebration@theMission, Street Mission Church
11am        Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
4pm January Praise & Prayer, Street Mission Church
8.45am Prayer meeting, Street Mission Church
7.15pm Housegroup, Street Mission Church
7.00pm Housegroup, Zoom
10am Midweek Communion, Street Mission Church
2.30pm Brookside School Collective Worship
7.30pm Handbell practice, Street Mission Church
7.30pm Housegroup, Street Mission Church
9.30am Prayer meeting, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am Coffee morning, Holy Trinity Walton
10.30am Housegroup, Street Mission Church
9.30-12 Little Stars, Street Mission Church
11-1 Warm Space, Street Mission Church
Sunday 26th January
8.30am Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
9.15am Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Walton
10am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am DigDeep@theMission, Street Mission Church