This Week's Lifeline

Week commencing 23rd February 
Revelation & Luke 8.22-25
Prayer for the week
Almighty God, give us reverence for all creation and respect for
every person, that we may mirror your likeness in Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday Psalm 71, Ecclesiastes 7.1-14 & John 19.1-16
Tuesday Psalm 73, Ecclesiastes 7.15-end & John 19.17-30
Wednesday Psalm 77, Ecclesiastes 8 & John 19.31-end
Thursday Psalm 78.1-39, Ecclesiastes 9 & John 20.1-10
Friday Psalm 55, Ecclesiastes 11.1-8 & John 20.11-18
Saturday Psalm 76, Ecclesiastes 11.9-end of 12 & John 20.19-end
For your prayers
For those involved in negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, that they would be led to just and long-lasting solutions. For our PCCs meeting in early March. For all those in our churches who are unwell, recovering from surgery or undergoing treatment, including John Potbury, Bob Lampert, Jane Doyle, Yvonne Guerin & Liz Selway. For those who are grieving for a loved one they have lost including the family and friends of Michael Browning and David Hayles.
Church Electoral Roll rewrite
This year the Electoral Rolls in each of our parishes need to be completely re-written.  This means that if you wish to go on or stay on the roll, you will need to complete a form and return it to the Electoral Roll officers (Angela Reeve—Street, Sonia Beaty - Walton or Peter Robertson—Compton Dundon).  There are plenty of forms at the back of each church and the  deadline for completion is 23rd March.   
Why join the Electoral Roll? The electoral roll is the nearest thing the Church of England has to a membership and also allows you to be involved in church governance. Don't forget you also can get a free pass to visit Wells Cathedral!

Midweek Morning Prayer
Our weekly prayer meetings meet on Mondays from 8.45 - 9.15am in the  Mission Church and Thursdays 9th from 9.30 - 10am currently held in the home of Pat and Steve King, Linden Lea, Hayes Road, Compton Dundon during church building works.
Warm Space / Coffee & Chat
We are offering a hot meal during the colder months to anyone who may need a little extra help this winter. We have a lovely group of guests but there is room for many more! If you know of anyone who would like some     company, coffee and a meal please do invite them along! Saturdays 11-1 at the Mission Church.
We are also in need of more volunteers for a couple of hours a month on  Saturday to help prepare a simple meal or to chat with our guests. We are a friendly bunch, and we would love to have you on board! Please speak with Sr. Rachel.

Walton Quiz night
Come along to join us for our quiz evening on Friday 28th February.  Come as a team or come alone. We will be making teams on the night. Starting at 7.00pm, it will be £5 per head. There will be tea and coffee plus nibbles and cake. You are very welcome to bring other refreshments if you like. We look forward to seeing you.  
First Sunday breakfast
A reminder that we gather for breakfast at 9.45 - 10.15am in the Mission Church before our First Sunday@theMission service on the 2nd March.
Bereavement Cafe
Our monthly bereavement cafe meets on the first Sunday of the month, 3 - 4pm in the Mission Church. If you know someone on the journey of grief who would value this, please pick up a postcard from our  churches and invite them to come along.

Ash Wednesday 
To mark the start of the Lent (40 day) period, our Ash Wednesday service will take place on Wednesday 5th March at 10am in the Mission Church. During the service there will be the opportunity to receive the ‘imposition of ashes’ as a symbol of repentance at the beginning of a season in which we are encouraged to be in an attitude of penitence. All are welcome and  refreshments are served following the service.
Work at St Andrew's
As part of the exciting project to restore a full peal of bells at St Andrew's, Compton Dundon, contactors are now on site. For safety reasons this means we have had to close the church during the week but we are still open for worship each Sunday.
A global online gathering for a time of prayer, repentance, worship, discovery and recommissioning led by Matt Redman. Read more and sign up at For more information, please contact Bernard Sinclair (Mission Church)
SWCD Churches Book club
We will be meeting to discuss our next read, 'the unlikely pilgrimage of   Harold Frye' by Rachel Joyce on Tuesday 18th March at 11am in the Mission Church. It's not to late to grab a copy and join us. For more details, please contact Sue Ripley (Parish Church). 
Storage of Walton pews
Holy Trinity Walton are looking for some temporary storage for some of their pews. If you have a barn or large shed (watertight) that they could use, please contact Andy Savage (Walton).
Prayers for Imogen
Immy (Mission Church) will shortly be travelling to South America for a 4 month mission trip with Christian mission agency Latin Link. Please pray for her and the team with whom she is travelling as they prepare to depart. 
Charitable giving 2025
We are still looking for nominations for organisations that each of our churches can support in 2025. Please contact Kevin Lawrence with your nomination as soon as possible.
Easter Experience for local primary school pupils
We have a fantastic opportunity to share the Easter story with Elmhurst  Junior school as they come to the Parish Church on 31st March - 2nd April. To make this happen, we need a team of helpers. Please contact Ana to find out more or express an interest. 
What’s on this week
Sunday 23rd February
8.30am        Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
9.15am        Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Walton
10am          Holy Communion, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am     DigDeep@theMission, Street Mission Church
8.45am        Prayer meeting, Street Mission Church
7.15pm        Housegroup, Street Mission Church
7.00pm Housegroup, Zoom
10am Midweek Communion, Street Mission Church
7.30pm Handbell practice, Street Mission Church
7.30pm Housegroup, Street Mission Church
9.30am Prayer meeting, Linden Lea, Compton Dundon
10.30am Coffee morning, Holy Trinity Walton
10.30am Housegroup, Street Mission Church
7.00pm Quiz night, Holy Trinity Walton
11-1 Warm Space, Street Mission Church
Sunday 2nd March
9.15am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Walton
10am Morning Worship, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am First Sunday, Street Mission Church
11am Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
3pm Bereavement Café, Street Mission Church
Dates for the diary
Men’s breakfast, Street Mission Church, 22nd February
Women of God conference, The Gateway Yeovil, 22nd February
Quiz night,  Holy Trinity Walton, 28th February

First Sunday Breakfast, Mission Church, 2nd March
Bereavement Cafe, Mission Church, 2nd March
Walton PCC, Walton, 3rd March
St Andrew's PCC, 4th March
Ash Wednesday Service, Mission Church, 5th March
Street PCC, 6th March
Book Club, Mission Church, 18th March