This Week's Lifeline
Week commencing 22nd and 29th December 2024
22nd December
Micah 5.2-5a and Luke 1.39-45
Prayer for the week
Eternal God, as Mary waited for the birth of your Son, so we wait for his
coming in glory; bring us through the birth pangs of this present age
to see, with her, our great salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday Psalm 130, Isaiah 52.13-end of 53 & 2 Peter 1.1-15
Tuesday Psalm 45, Isaiah 54 & 2 Peter 1.16-2.3
Wednesday Psalm 110, Isaiah 62.1-5 & Matthew 1.18-end
Thursday Psalm 13, Jeremiah 26.12-15 & Acts 6
Friday Psalm 21, Exodus 33.12-end & 1 John 2.1-11
Saturday Psalm 36, Genesis 37.13-20 & Matthew 18.1-10
Readings—29th December
Colossians 3.12-17 & Luke 2.41-end
Prayer for the week
God in Trinity, eternal unity of perfect love: gather the nations to be one
family, and draw us into your holy life through the birth of Emmanuel,
our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Readings for the coming week
Monday Psalm 113, Isaiah 59.1-15a & John 1.19-28
Tuesday Psalm 102, Isaiah 59.15b-end & John 1.29-34
Wednesday Psalm 150, Genesis 17.1-13 & Romans 2.17-end
Thursday Psalm 18.1-30, Isaiah 60.1-12 & John 1.35-42
Friday Psalm 127, Isaiah 60.13-end & John 1.43-end
Saturday Psalm 89.1-37, Isaiah 61 & John 2.1-12
For your prayers
For all those for whom Christmas will be tough for whatever reason. For all those in our churches who are unwell, recovering from surgery or undergoing treatment, including Bob Lampert, Jane Doyle & Yvonne Guerin. For those who are grieving for a loved one they have lost including the families and friends of Bill Ingham & Jenny Hall.
Christmas at SWCD Churches - spread the Good News
In each of our churches, you will find flyers advertising the principle Christmas services and events for that parish together with separate flyers for those particularly suitable for families across the benefice. If you haven't already used these to invite people to our services, please do so now. You can also find full details on our website and on Facebook and in December Life.
Come and sing the wondrous story..
The last of our 3 carol services is today, Sunday 22nd December at 3pm in the Parish Church. This will be followed by tea.
Crib Services on 24th December
Come and celebrate the excitement and anticipation of Christmas eve with our family friendly crib services. Bring your grandkids, bring your granny and come dressed as a nativity character if you'd like to. Our services will be at: St Andrews, Compton Dundon, 3pm, Holy Trinity, Walton, 4.30pm, Mission Church, Street, 4.30pm.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services
Please see our Christmas flyer, website, Facebook or diary below for our other Christmas eve and Christmas day services across the benefice.
Sunday 29th December
On the Sunday after Christmas, there will be a joint benefice communion service in the Parish Church, Street at 10.30am.
January Life
January Life Magazine will shortly be available in our churches. Please pick up a copy and see details inside of how to pay for this annually.
Safeguarding Survey
As part of a national programme, our Diocesan safeguarding process will be independently audited in Spring 2025. As part of preparation for this, the auditors have invited members of our churches to complete an anonymous online survey. This needs to be done by 31st January 2025 and you can find details at:
Foodbank Request
The Street Foodbank is likely to run short of supplies in the weeks after Christmas. When you do your big Christmas shop, why not add a few things for those in need and donate them via the boxes in our churches or directly to the Foodbank at the Salvation Army in Street.
First Sunday Breakfast
Join us on Sunday 5th January 9.45 - 10.15am for a delicious pre-service breakfast at the Mission Church. Get it in your diaries now so you don't forget.
Bereavement Cafe
Our next bereavement cafe will take place in the Mission Church on Sunday 5th January 3 - 4pm. Open to all those on the journey of grief.
Midweek Communion Service
Our next midweek communion service will be on Wednesday 8th January at 10am in the Mission Church.
Morning Prayer in Street
We are taking a short break over Christmas and will meet again to pray weekly from Monday 6th January 8.45 - 9.15am in the Mission Church. Why not make it a New Year's Resolution to join us?
If you are a young person in year 6 or above, you are invited to join us for pizza, chat and games on Wednesday 8th January 5.30 - 6.30pm in the Mission Church Kitchen. For more details, please speak to Ana.
What’s on this week
Sunday 22nd December
8.30am Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
9.15am Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Walton
10am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am DigDeep@theMission, Street Mission Church
3pm Community Carols & tea, Street Parish Church
Christmas Eve
3pm Crib Service, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
4.30pm Crib Service, Street Mission Church
4.30pm Crib Service, Holy Trinoity Walton
9.30pm Midnight in Bethlehem Communion, Street Parish Church
11.30pm Midnight Communion, Holy Trinity Walton
Christmas Day
10am Holy Communion, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am All age Communion, Street Mission Church
Sunday 29th December
10.30am Benefice Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
10.30am Coffee morning, Holy Trinity Walton
11-1 Warm Space, Street Mission Church
Sunday 5th January 2025
9.15am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Walton
10am Morning Worship, St Andrew’s Compton Dundon
10.30am First Sunday, Street Mission Church
11am Holy Communion, Street Parish Church
3pm Bereavement Café, Street Mission Church
Dates for the diary
Community Carol Service, Parish Church, 22nd December
Crib Service, Compton Dundon, 24th December
Crib Service, Walton, 24th December
Crib Service, Mission Church, 24th December
Midnight in Bethlehem, Parish Church, 24th December
Midnight Communion, Walton, 24th December
Christmas Communion, Compton Dundon, 25th December
Christmas Day Communion, Mission Church, 25th December
Benefice Communion, Parish Church, 29th December